ECON 1102 Section 027
This site is intended for students in summer session of Principles of Macroeconomics section 27. Course materials will be posted here in addition to the course site on Moodle.
Its your responsibility to keep track of any other materials that are posted on moodle, in particular recitation's material.
Administrative Material
Meeting Times: Lecture: Section 027, Blegen Hall 115 Tu 5:30 - 8:00 PM Recitation (TA)
Office Hours: Monday 9:00- 11:00 AM in Hanson Hall 3-161 You can contact me by email: [email protected] (I'll try to respond within 24 hours) Include in the subject "ECON1102" TA Office Hours: (Shiv): T: 14:00-16:00 HH 3-137 |
Course Syllabus: document
Moodle Website:
Information about Aplia: To register in Aplia
Moodle Website:
Information about Aplia: To register in Aplia
Class Material
Week 1 (Tuesday January 21)
We covered:
Lecture Outline: (same as in moodle)
We covered:
- Introduction, Syllabus
- Topic 1 "Overview of Econ": (i) intro to economics, micro and macro; (ii) how is economics "done"? (iii) Types of economies
Lecture Outline: (same as in moodle)
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Micro Review: review micro material (see moodle) - not graded but important to know
- Excel assignment (link) - recitation - make sure you can solve every question. If not contact your TA, this is important for future data assignments (not to be graded)
Week 2 (Tuesday January 28)
We covered:
- Topic 2: (i) Flow diagrams (ii) Aggregate Demand, (iii) Aggregate Supply, (iv) Equilibrium
- Note: in recitation you will work on exercises of the same topics
- Lecture Outline (same as in moodle) Slides
- Selected slides that we used in the class Slides
- Additional document: outline and objectives of the material covered this week document
Week 3 (Tuesday February 4)
We covered:
We covered:
- Topic 3: "Economic Statistics" (i) GDP (and measures of econ. actvity) (ii) Unemployment measures
- Note: In recitation you will work on flow diagrams and GDP
- Lecture Outline (same as in moodle): Slides
- Selected slides that we used in class: Slides
- Clip of Simbabwe (ilustrate problems of nominal gdp):
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Knowledge Assignment 1: due date Thursday, February 6, 2014, 11:45 PM (see aplia)
Week 4 (Tuesday February 11)
We covered:
We covered:
- Topic 4: Economic Growth (measurement, ingredients of growth, PPF, factors that drive growth)
- Note: in recitation you will work on the same topic
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Data Assignment 1: due date Thursday, February 13 2014, 11:45 PM (see aplia)
Week 5 (Tuesday February 18)
We covered:
We covered:
- Topic 5: Growth Policies: (i) Policies, (ii) pros & cons of gov. intervention, (iii) sustainability and desirability of growth
- Topic 6: Business Cycles (half of it)
- Note: in recitation you will work on practice midterms
- Lecture outlines (same as in moodle) topic_5 topic_6
- Selected slides that we will use in class slides (topic5) slides(topic6)
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Knowledge Assignment 2: due date Thursday, February 20 2014, 11:45 PM (see aplia)
- Midterm is Thursday, February 27th at 7:00-8:00 pm in Wiley 125/175, there is a sign-up for the make-up exam (moodle)
Week 6 (Tuesday February 25) Review for Midterm 1 Class
Material to prepare for the midterm:
- Midterm 1 will cover topics 1 to 5
- Practice Midterm 1 and Answer Key (link)
- Midterm 1 Study guide PLEASE READ!!! (link)
Week 7 (Tuesday March 4)
We covered:
Slides: Lecture outlines (same as in moodle) topic_6 videocrisis topic_7 topic_8
We covered:
- Finish Topic 6: Business cycles
- Topic 7: Interest Rate
- Topic 8: Money (half of it)
- Note: in recitation you will get your midterms back
Slides: Lecture outlines (same as in moodle) topic_6 videocrisis topic_7 topic_8
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Data Assignment 2: due date Thursday, March 6 2014, 11:45 PM (see aplia)
Week 8 (Tuesday March 11)
We covered:
Slides: Lecture outlines (Same as in moodle) topic_8 topic_9
We covered:
- Savings (from topic 7)
- Finish Topic 8: Money
- Topic 9: Fiscal Policy (half of it)
- Note: in recitation you will cover Loanable Funds Market (the topic of lec7 we will explain today)
Slides: Lecture outlines (Same as in moodle) topic_8 topic_9
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Knowledge Assignment 3: due date Thursday, March 13, 11:45 PM
Week 10 (Tuesday March 25)
We covered:
Slides: (not the same as in moodle)
We covered:
- 2nd half of topic 9: Fiscal Policy
- Topic 10: Monetary Policy
- Begin on topic 11- Inflation: (i) how to measure, (ii) correct for inflation (deflating and real variables)
- Note: in recitation you will cover both topics
Slides: (not the same as in moodle)
- topic9_2nd_part
- generational issues of fiscal policy addition_to_9 (by Cris Phelan)
- topic10 (by Rob)
- fiscal and monetary policy handout (by Rob Mrkonich)
- topic 11 (only the part we covered)
- extra material: note on fiscal policy and private savings note
- Mandatory reading of fiscal and monetary handout and of the generational issue handout (above)
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Data Assignment 3: due date Thursday, March 27, 11:45
Week 11 (Tuesday April 1st)
We covered
Finish topic 11- Inflation:
Readings: Ch 11, 16, 17, 22, 23 (Mankiw)
Slides: (lecture outlines) topic11_part2
We covered
Finish topic 11- Inflation:
- (i) cost of inflation, (ii) correcting for inflation - purchasing power and interest rates
- (iii) money and inflation (iv) unemployment and inflation
Readings: Ch 11, 16, 17, 22, 23 (Mankiw)
Slides: (lecture outlines) topic11_part2
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Knowledge Assignment 4: due date Thursday, April 3rd, 11:45 pm (aplia)
Week 12 (Tuesday April 8) Review for 2nd midterm class
- Practice midterms and answer keys link
Week 13 (Tuesday April 15)
We covered:
Slides: (lecture outlines, same as in moodle) topic_12 topic_13
We covered:
- Topic 12: Motivation for Trade
- Topic 13: Small Country Trade Model
Slides: (lecture outlines, same as in moodle) topic_12 topic_13
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Data Assignment 4: due data Thursday. April 18, 11:45pm (aplia)
Week 14 (Tuesday April 22)
We covered:
Readings: Ch 18 and 19 (Mankiw), (topic 14 is not in the book)
Slides (lecture outlines same as in moodle) topic_14 topic_15
We covered:
- Topic 14: Large Country Trade Model
- 1st part of topic 15 "Exchange Rates": (i) nominal and real exch. rates (ii) purchasing power parity
Readings: Ch 18 and 19 (Mankiw), (topic 14 is not in the book)
Slides (lecture outlines same as in moodle) topic_14 topic_15
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Knowledge Assignment 5: Due Thursday 24, 11:45 pm (aplia)
Week 15 (Tuesday April 29)
We will cover:
Readings: Ch 18 and 19 (Mankiw)
Slides (lecture outlines same as in moodle): topic_15 topic_16
We will cover:
- 2nd part of topic 15 "Exchange Rates": (iii) Net capital outflow, (iv) Capital flows, savings and investments
- Topic 16: Exchange Rates and Policy
Readings: Ch 18 and 19 (Mankiw)
Slides (lecture outlines same as in moodle): topic_15 topic_16
- Complementary reading of textbook
- Data Assignment 5: due thursday May1st, 11:45pm Aplia
Week 15 (Tuesday May 6)
We will cover:
Note in recitation you will cover Practice Final.
We will cover:
- Review for Final Exam
Note in recitation you will cover Practice Final.